Jūsu attiecības ar tēvu

Pieļauju, ka daudzi te ir auguši šķirtajās ģimenēs. Kādas bija un ir jūsu attiecības ar tēvu, kas kkādu iemeslu dēļ aizgājis no ģimenes? Jūs viņu mīlat?

raina1970  Tēta priekšā varu zemu paklanīties- ar cieņu un milestību-- par to kāds viņš bija, ka iemācija daudz ko dzīvē svarīgu un vajadzīgu . Ar mammu viņi nodzīvoja 33 gadus, abiem tā bija otrā laulība, un - abi bija tik dažādi un atšķirīgi- cik vien var būt.. tomēr- bija , acīmredzot , kaut kas ļoti svarīgs, kas viņus saistīja vienu pie otra.. Ar tēti vienmēr man bija labākas attiecības un saprašanās , nekā ar mammu..

Lucy  jāāā nu jau no pagājuša rudens braukšu uz kapiem ciemos, kad bija dzīvs,kā sanāca vienreiz gadā,vai par 2iviem gadiem reizi,viņš to bija pelnijis,jo mani neaudzināja,neskoloja,alimentus nemaksāja.
Sazvanijamies,nu tā ik pēc 3-6 mēnešiem:((

Geisha  Man bija 12 gadi, kad vecāki izšķīrās, bet vienalga abi turpināja mūs ar māsu audzināt un par mums rūpēties. Mamma mūs nekad nenoskaņoja pret tēvu, bet tieši otrādi mudināja kontaktēties ar tēvu. Tagad nu jau 10 gadus abi guļ blakus kapsētā. Tagad varu teikt tikai to, ka man bija visjaukākie vecāki.

ingryda  Vecaki izskiras, kad man bija 12, tacu milestibu pret mani tas nekada formata nemainija. Vecaki joprojam labi satiek, izturas viens pret otru ar cienu un rupem. Man ir lieliska gimene, un ja, es savu Tevu loti milu. :)

fargo  atvainojos, bet šobrīd nav laika tulkot, bet man liekas ir vērts iekopēt:
"A few years ago, a publisher sent AFA a new book titled Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Meg Meeker, M.D.

She cautions dads: “Your daughter takes cues from you, her father, on everything from drug use, drinking, delinquency, smoking and having sex, to self-esteem, moodiness and seeking attention from teen boys.”

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know delivers some serious challenges along with practical principles showing a father how to strengthen or rebuild the relationship with his daughter. It is not by definition a Christian book, but Dr. Meeker’s principles and many of her case studies and anecdotes reflect clear Christian principles.

Among the startling truths pointed out in the book are:

Toddlers securely attached to fathers are better at solving problems.
Girls with doting fathers are more assertive.
A daughter’s self-esteem is best predicted by her father’s physical affection.
Fathers help daughters become more competent, achievement-oriented and successful.
76% of teen girls said their fathers influenced (for good or bad) their decisions on whether to become sexually active.
Girls with involved fathers are less likely to flaunt themselves to seek male attention.
And those few facts just scratch the surface. Dr. Meeker has 25 years experience practicing pediatric and adolescent medicine and counseling teens and parents. She defends traditional moral values and disdains the feminist fallacies and politically correct propaganda that undermine the role of fatherhood.

After reminding dads of the pressures girls face in today’s culture, she tells them, “Protecting her and teaching her about God, sex and humility doesn’t require a degree in psychology. It just means being a dad.”

fargo  Don’t look to Hollywood, or for that matter, the Obama Administration to extol the virtues of fatherhood. A strong, moral, protective, providing father is enemy #1 for all socialists.

They want the state to be both husband to the welfare moms and father to all the children not aborted along the way. Remember – dependency = votes.

It is a totally contrasting picture. A strong father provides independence and self-assurance in his children – a formula for success in life.

An absent father, replaced by social programs, creates weak, dependent, selfish, easily-controlled adult children who often can’t cope with life’s realities.

Yes, we desperately need strong fathers in this nation. Yes, we desperately need strong fathers in our communities. Yes, we desperately need strong fathers in our churches. And, yes, we desperately need strong fathers in our homes.

Usually dads are portrayed as idiots who barely keep their children alive, let alone foster innate needs for love and security.

According to the National Fatherhood Initiative, 1 of 3 kids live in a home without their biological father. In the Journal of Family Psychology, “researchers found that father-child contact was associated with better socio-emotional and academic functioning. The results indicated that children with more involved fathers experienced fewer behavioral problems and scored higher on reading achievement.” The U.S. Census Bureau found kids without dads are four times more likely to be poor. The Journal of Research on Adolescence found “youths in father-absent households still had significantly higher odds of incarceration than those in mother-father families. Youths who never had a father in the household experienced the highest odds.”

It’s clear dads are needed. The natural bond between them and their biological children is difficult to replace or replicate.

"The Virtue Of Fathers, Nicole Russell, The Federalist"

Bachata  Vecāki izšķīrās, kas man tik tikko bija palikuši 18.
Zināju, ka tas ir laika jautājums, jo attiecības bija... kādas bija.
Viņš aizgāja pie citas.
Es jau + - biju savā dzīvē, tāpēc tādu traku iztrūkumu nejutu.
Par brāli uzturlīdzekļus maksāja, sākumā arī brauca ciemos. Vēlāk gan attāluma, gan jaunās sievietes dēļ apciemojumi kļuva aizvien retāki un retāki.

Pusotru gadu pēc aiziešanas piedzima mazulis, mans pusbrālis. Esmu viņu satikusi 1x - pirms gandrīz 6 gadiem. Žēl :(

Kopumā attiecības nav tādas ļoti, ļoti siltas, bet mīlu es viņu noteikti. Sazvanījāmies diezgan reti - reizi pusgadā apmēram, sievišķis rīkoja histērijas.
Tagad no viņas ir šķīries. Kopš tā laika zvana vidēji 2x mēnesī, arī es varu zvanīt brīvi jebkurā laikā :) Domāju, ka komunikācija un attiecības noteikti vēl vairāk uzlabosies :)
Forši :))

jozolsen  Priecājos,ka neviens kometētājs-a nav nogānijies..

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